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School Pricing

Teacher Starter Packages

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Elementary School Teacher Starter Package
(pick 3 of the following)

The Boxcar Children Book 1

My Father's Dragon
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Always In My Heart
Cooper the Dog
Little Buck the Fire Truck 

(one copy of each book)
(Always In My Heart & Cooper the Dog not offered in Paperback)

Paperback Package Price: $50

(includes one year of support)

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Middle  School Teacher Starter Package
(pick 3 of the following)

My Father's Dragon
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Romeo and Juliet
A Midsummer Night's Dream
(one copy of each book)

Paperback Package Price: $50

(includes one year of support)

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High  School Teacher Starter Package
(pick 3 of the following)

Romeo and Juliet
A Midsummer Night's Dream
(one copy of each book)

Paperback Package Price: $50

(includes one year of support)

Elementary School Classroom Package

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The Boxcar Children Book 1
Los Chicos del Vagon de Carga
The Boxcar Children: Surprise Island
The Boxcar Children: The Yellow Mystery House
The Boxcar Children: Mystery Ranch
My Fathers Dragon
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Always In My Heart
Cooper the Dog
Little Buck the Fire Truck

(50 copies of each book
Boxcar Children are not offered in Hardcover
Always In My Heart, Cooper the Dog, Little Buck the Fire Truck not offered in Paperback)

Educator's Dashboard for 50 users   more info

Paperback Price: $5,158.50

(includes one year of support)

Hardcover Price: $6,328.00

(includes one year of support)

Elementary School Grade Level Package

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The Boxcar Children Book 1
Los Chicos del Vagon de Carga
The Boxcar Children: Surprise Island
The Boxcar Children: The Yellow Mystery House
The Boxcar Children: Mystery Ranch
My Fathers Dragon
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Always In My Heart
Cooper the Dog
Little Buck the Fire Truck 

(100 copies of each book
Boxcar Children are not offered in HardcoverAlways In My Heart, Cooper the Dog, Little Buck the Fire Truck not offered in Paperback)

Educator's Dashboard for 300 users  more info

Paperback Price: $9,500.00

(includes one year of support)

Hardcover Price: $11,710.00

(includes one year of support)

Middle School Classroom Package

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My Fathers Dragon
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Romeo and Juliet
A Midsummer Night's Dream

(50 copies of each book)

Educator's Dashboard for 50 users  more info

Paperback Price: $3,768.00

(includes one year of support)

Hardcover Price: $6,738.00

(includes one year of support)

Middle School Grade Level Package

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My Fathers Dragon
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Romeo and Juliet
A Midsummer Night's Dream

(100 copies of each book)

Educator's Dashboard for 300 users  more info

Paperback Price: $6,766.00

(includes one year of support)

Hardcover Price: $12,376.00

(includes one year of support)

High School Classroom Package

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Romeo and Juliet
A Midsummer Night's Dream

(50 copies of each book)

Educator's Dashboard for 50 users  more info

Paperback Price: $3,142.00

(includes one year of support)

Hardcover Price: $4,942.00

(includes one year of support)

High School Grade Level Package

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Romeo and Juliet
A Midsummer Night's Dream

(100 copies of each book)

Educator's Dashboard for 300 users  more info

Paperback Price: $5,584.00

(includes one year of support)

Hardcover Price: $8,984.00

(includes one year of support)

Attention: Turnaround time for shipping orders has increased due to systemic supply chain issues globally. At the moment, The Boxcar Children/Los Chicos del Vagon de Carga is on backorder until early 2024. Thank you for your valued business and patience during this time.

For more customized options, please email us:

LP Bookspace Teacher Dashboard

  • A secure portal that collects student responses and tracks their progress and engagement

  • A visual tool that quickly provides educators and administrators with a picture of student reading engagement, comprehension, and stamina. 

  • Pricing per classroom, up to 35 students, for one year is $250. (One year of the dashboard is included in each "Classroom" Package.) 

  • Pricing per grade level, up to 300 students, for one year is $300. (One year of the dashboard is included in each "Grade Level" Package.)

  • Please email for entire school or program pricing. 

What Else Do We Offer?

Curriculum for Each Book:
Our team of college professors and nationally recognized teachers have come together to create rigorous and engaging lesson plans for all teachers. Plans include a day to day plan for both teachers and students that support the AR experience with our novels. Ideas for differentiation and scaffolding are included each step of the way. Furthering learning activities for enrichment and assessments are also included all following the Common Core State Standards.

$40 - One LP Bookspace Curriculum Pick from any one of our curricula and be charged a one time fee of $40.

$100 - Single Teacher Subscription Service to LP Bookspace Curricula The teacher will be given access to all LP Bookspace Curricula. Updates will be made accordingly to the curriculum to keep up with educational best practices. The teacher will have access to the LP Bookspace Concierge Service to ask questions about the curriculum and how to implement it in their classroom. Teacher will have complimentary Zoom session with our Curriculum Team.

$500 - School Wide Subscription Service to all LP Bookspace Curricula Anyone with the appropriate school email address will have access to all LP Bookspace Curricula. Updates will be made accordingly to the curriculum to keep up with educational best practices. The school will have access to the LP Bookspace Concierge Service to ask questions about the curriculum and how to implement it in their classroom. The school will have one complimentary zoom session with our curriculum team.

Tablets With LP Bookspace App installed:
We offer competitive pricing on devices to further the AR experience of LP Bookspace in the classroom. From iPads to Android devices, for all students to just a couple for each classroom, we can find the best fit for you and your district.

In Classroom Zoom Fieldtrip:
With the power of Zoom, LP Bookspace can show you and your school how we create our AR experience. From meeting with animators, graphic designers, our founders, and our writers, we give your students the ultimate behind the scenes view.

Meet The Makers:
In true Maker fashion, we tailor this experience to the needs of your students. Students can meet with anyone from our team to see how each title is created from the ground up to meet the relevant needs of learners within your school.
If you have a question, we’re here to help.
Email and we’ll figure it out together.
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